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The Extreme Art of the Blade God (極刀神道) is a supreme Blade technique created by the Blade God and is the signature technique practiced by the Blade God Six Martial Clan. This martial art, while only slightly inferior to the Sword Force of the Heavenly Demon, is one of the greatest martial arts in all history and the murim with many noting it to be a godly technique.


Blade God uses the first 6 formations in his fight with Sword Demon and all 8 formations against Cheon Ma.

Centuries later, Cheon Ma's descendent Cheon Yeo Woon discovered and replicated the first 6 formation from Sword Demon's arm on the 6th floor of the library with the help of his Nano Mashin. Yeo Woon noted that just by one movement, the Sword Force of the Sky Demon's 4th formation countered Blade God's blade 6th formation but was pushed back three steps. He would use the 6th formation of the technique to defeat Mu Jinwon of the Dark Clan's ultimate technique, Right Sword, Left Sword, and killed him. When Cheon Yeo fought against Sahin, the 2nd formation of the Extreme Art of the Blade God was stronger than the 4th formation of the Twenty four Demon Sword. Later, Cheon Yeo Woon create the Right Sword, Left Blade that combines both the Extreme Art and the Sword Force of the Heavenly Demon in his fight against Nameless and his father, Cheon Yu-Jong when he was suffering from the ill effects of the Demonic Blood Reversal Technique.

Yeo Woon learned the rest of the martial art from analyzing the left-over battle scars between the first Heavenly Demon and Blade God in the Sword Valley when he fell down the cliff. He noted that except for the last formation, Extreme Art of the Blade God was basically on par with the Sword Force of the Heavenly Demon.


The martial art is known for using moves that attack an enemy from impossible angles along with training that forces the practitioners to exceed their physical limits, while training one's muscles in an unusual manner. The Extreme Art of the Blade God can be used with any weapon i.e. sword, fists, spear, tiger claws and so on. The martial technique consists of eight formations, which is almost as powerful as the Sword Force of the Heavenly Demon with the exception of the last formation. The 7th formation is a combination of existing blade movements.


  • First Formation - Ultimate Blade Mastery (도극지정/刀極知精)
  • Second Formation - Ultimate Blade Form (도극제헝/刀極制形)
  • Third Formation - Ultimate Simple Net Blade (도극망순/刀極網淳)
  • Fourth Formation - Ultimate Destruction Blade (도극파세/刀極破勢)
  • Fifth Formation - Ultimate Delightful Murder Blade (극쾌살도/極快殺刀)
  • Sixth Formation - Dragon Ascension (회룡승천/回龍昇天)
  • Seventh Formation - Fight of Eight Immortals Blades (팔선도경/八僊刀競)
  • Eighth Formation - Unknown

The Eighth Formation never appeared in any of the three works.

